
Types of Dolls

Adventure Dolls

Sci-Fi Dolls

Superhero Dolls

Animation Dolls

TV and Movie Character Dolls

Celebrity Dolls

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Mego Review: Wizard of Oz 8 inch dolls

In 1974 Mego produced an excellent series of seven 8 inch dolls based on the 1939 Wizard of Oz movie. To my knowledge this is the very first doll line ever to be based on this classic film rather than the original storybook. Shown above is the Scarecrow (missing his shoes and diploma), the Cowardly Lion (missing his bravery medal), the Tin Man (missing his axe), and Dorothy (missing her white socks and red shoes). Dorothy originally came with a yellow plastic basket and a one-piece plastic grey figure of her dog Toto. The other dolls in the series include the Wicked Witch, Glenda the Good Witch, and the Wizard. To complete the collection Mego made an Emerald City Playset and four Munchkin figures (Mayor, Flower Girl, Dancing Girl, and General). Unfortunately the Munchkin figures were rather poorly made as three of the figures are action figures rather than dolls, for which the body of the figure has the clothing sculpted and painted. In addition the legs are not articulated or poseable. A castle playset for the Wicked Witch was also sold exclusively at Sears stores. Mego also produced a set of larger sized plush dolls with plastic heads based on the four characters shown above.

The Mego Cowardly Lion 8 inch doll was produced with different colour variations for both the head paint and the fabric used for the costumes. The heads can be found painted with an orange face or a yellow face. The two dolls shown above have the orange face but different coloured fabric was used for their costumes. The Lion suit on the left was made with light brown fabric and fake fur, while the suit on the right used an orange-tan fabric and fur with shorter light brown fur accents. Dolls with yellow faces can be found with yellow fabric outfits and fur. I've also seen the orange faced Lion with a brighter orange fabric costume. For this version the chest fur section is more like a thick felt type of fabric. The lion doll on the right is missing the shoes which are shaped like lion feet, as seen on the left doll. There is no variation in the colour of the lion shoes, all were made in light brown plastic. The Scarecrow doll also has a variation with regards to the tuft of hair on his forehead, as earlier produced dolls do not have this tuft of hair.

All of the male Mego 8 inch dolls that were produced from 1971 to 1974 were made with Type 1 doll bodies. At some point in 1974 Mego introduced their revised and very much improved 8 inch male doll body. As such, male characters that Mego continued to produce in 1974 and onward were made with Type 2 bodies. Due to the switch over to the Type 2 body certain male Mego dolls can be found with both Type 1 and Type 2 bodies, as is the case with the male characters from the Wizard of Oz series. Above is an example of the "Fat Body" used for the Cowardly Lion and the Wizard dolls. On the left is the Type 1 Fat Body which has metal doll joints, and on the right is the updated Type 2 Fat Body which has plastic joints. Type 1 doll bodies are quite crude in their design and the legs tend to spread out to the sides rather than keep the doll standing naturally, as seen with the Type 2 body. A side view is shown below to show the metal joints in the elbows, wrists, ankles and knees.

Above is the standard male Type 1 and Type 2 doll bodies as shown on Batman's sidekick Robin from the DC Comics superhero line, part of Mego's "Official World's Greatest Superheroes" series. These are the same doll bodies that the Scarecrow and Tin Man dolls have, however their hands were made with yellow (Scarecrow) or grey (Tin Man) plastic instead of skin tone plastic. Below is the side view. The shape of the hands for the Type 1 doll are quite different from the Type 2 doll. This is one of the ways collectors can quickly identify if a doll has a Type 1 or Type 2 body... aside from the spread open legs of the Type 1 dolls. Looking at the doll hands in the photo at the top of this page you can see that Tin Man is a Type 1 doll while Scarecrow is a Type 2.

Text and photos copyright Mikey Artelle, 2017

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Nostalgia and Doll shows 2017!!!

Every so often I sell collectable toys and dolls or my original hand-made puppets at various events throughout Ottawa,. Here are the events I'll be at in 2017, hope to see you there!!!

Upcoming Events for 2017

Ottawa Comic Con 2017 - Holiday Edition
EY Centre, 4899 Uplands Dr.
Ottawa, ON Canada
Sat - Sun, November 18 & 19, 2017
11:00AM to 6:00PM Saturday
11:00AM to 5:00PM Sunday
FREE admission to attendees!
Look for the Artelle Puppets booth!

Past Events for 2017

Ottawa Nostalgia & Collectables
Show & Sale
Nepean Sportsplex, 1701 Woodroffe Ave.
Ottawa, ON Canada
Sunday, March 19th, 2017
9:00AM to 3:00PM
Admission: $6.00, children under 12 are free
Free Parking!
(In order to park near the closest entrance to the show, go around to the back of the building.)
Free admission for everyone after 2:00PM

Ottawa Doll Festival
Show and Sale
(see poster above)
Jim Durrell Centre (Ellwood Hall), 1265 Walkley Road
Ottawa, ON Canada
Sunday, April 23, 2017
10:00 AM to 3:00PM
Admission: $5.00 Free Parking!
This event will feature a doll display "15 Decades of Dolls" honouring
Canada's 150th celebration, as well as activities for children.
The Ottawa Doll and Collector's Guild is organizing this event to raise funds for
the Youville Centre which helps young mothers and their babies.

Ottawa Comiccon
EY Centre, 4899 Uplands Dr.
Ottawa, ON Canada
Friday to Sunday, May 12, 13 and 14, 2017
Friday 1:00PM to 8:00PM
Saturday 10:00AM to 7:00PM
Sunday 10:30AM to 5:00PM
Artelle Puppets booth number 2810
For ticket pricing see the Comiccon site at the link below:
The Comic Book Shoppe also sells advance Comiccon tickets
at both of their store locations:

The Ottawa Dolls, Toys, Teddies & Miniatures
Show and Sale
Nepean Sportsplex, 1701 Woodroffe Ave.
Ottawa, ON Canada
Sunday, Sept 24, 2017
10:00AM to 3:00PM
Admission: (amount to be confirmed soon)
Free Parking!
(In order to park near the closest entrance to the show, go around to the back of the building.)

Ottawa Nostalgia & Collectables
Show & Sale
Nepean Sportsplex, 1701 Woodroffe Ave.
Ottawa, ON Canada
Sunday, Oct 1st, 2017
9:00AM to 3:00PM
Admission: $6.00, children under 12 are free
Free Parking!
(In order to park near the closest entrance to the show, go around to the back of the building.)
Free admission for everyone after 2:00PM