Hasbro Star Wars Dolls, Part 2: 1998 - 2008

Here are all the relevant pages on this blog for Star Wars 12" dolls:

1998 continued

Series 9 1998

In 1998 Hasbro made a bunch of Star Wars figures that were released on their own rather than in a series, or in boxed sets, so I'm listing them all together here and calling this series 9 just for the sake of organizing them all.

Han Solo with Carbonite Block, 12 inch doll, 2 pack set by Hasbro, 1998

This is the exact same Han Solo doll that came in the three pack set shown below, the only difference being that this one does not come with the jacket, belt and gun holster, or gun. Instead it comes with the arm restraints and the Carbonite block. It also includes one blaster with projectile, which is the same type that the three pack set comes with. Everything else about the doll, including the shirt, pants, boots, and the doll itself are exactly the same on both dolls. Even the hair and face are painted the same with the same shade of brown for the hair, as shown below. The back of the box does not have any assortment of characters, instead it shows a very cool photo of Lando Calrissian from the movie.

As the carbonite Han doesn't come with the jacket, etc, I'm going to call this one the 2nd variation, just for the sake of identifying the two dolls. The one with the jacket will be the 1st variation. Both of these dolls were released in 1998, and the boxes for each are dated as such. The Carbonite block is also dated 1998 on the back. This is the 1st variation of the Carbonite block to be released. The 2nd variation of the Carbonite block was released with a doll of Princess Leia in Boushh disguise (2nd variation) (not shown) which was quite different from the 1st variation Leia doll, shown below.

Han Solo on the left comes with the Carbonite block, the Han Solo 
on the right with jacket was sold in the 3 pack set shown below.

Luke, Leia, & Han, 12 inch dolls, 3 pack set by Hasbro, 1998

This set is from the "Action Collection" and includes Luke Skywalker in Tatooine outfit with poncho, Princess Leia in Boushh disguise (1st variation), and Han Solo in Bespin outfit (1st variation). The dolls came in a large box that had the Kenner logo on the back and is dated 1998. I was sooooo happy to get this set back in the day! All three of these dolls are awesome! Both Luke and Han Solo have new head sculpts which are perfect! They are so much better than the series 1 head sculpts! I believe the Leia head sculpt is the same one that was used for the doll of Leia in Hoth gear released previously in series 8.

This side of the box shows a different picture of Princess Leia than the back of the box.

All three of these dolls introduced new head sculpts for these characters. A Luke doll similar to this version in his Tatooine outfit but with a different head sculpt, was reissued separately without his poncho, and it had a button on it's back to control the lightsaber slashing action.

This version of Princess Leia in Boushh disguise, shown above in the middle, was only available in this three pack set. Hasbro later made a different version of Princess Leia in Boushh disguise (2nd variation) that was sold with Han Solo in Carbonite (2nd variation) in a blue box. The costume for the 2nd Leia doll has a few differences from the one shown above. For example it has grey boots instead of brown, and the cape does not have dark brown on the inside. It also has a very different head sculpt that is much nicer and looks a lot more like Carrie Fisher than the doll shown above. The 2nd version of the Carbonite block is completely flat on the front rather than sculpted, and it lights up to show an image of Han Solo in carbonite.

To summarize, this Star Wars 12 inch doll collection includes at least two versions of all three of these characters based on these same outfits, as well as two versions of the Carbonite block!

Here is the back view showing Leia's backpack and cape.

Above are two different blasters. The one shown on the bottom fires missiles and came in the three-pack set with Luke Tatooine, Leia Boushh, and Han Bespin. The top blaster does not fire missiles and came with the Stormtrooper. It's interesting to note that both are slightly different. For example the thickness of the trigger guard on each is quite different, as are some other details. Click on the image for a closer look! This certainly shows how much attention to detail Hasbro put into this 12 inch series.

Here are the two blasters that came with the three pack set, and the missles that they fire (which I haven't removed from the package yet). Below are the binoculars that were also included.

By the end of 1988 there were at least ten Luke Skywalker dolls in the Hasbro Star Wars collection. Five of them are shown above (L to R) Luke from series 1 in Tatooine outfit, Luke from series 2 in Bespin outfit, Luke from series 3 in X-Wing Pilot outfit, Luke in Ceremonial outfit, and Luke with Tatooine outfit with poncho. The Luke with poncho shown here was sold in the above three-pack set. His beige poncho covers most of his costume so I folded it and tucked it behind him in order to show both Tatooine outfits. 

The other five included Luke in Stormtooper outfit with Dianoga (trash monster) tentacle (shown below), Luke from the two pack set of Luke and Han Solo in Stormtrooper outfits (not shown), Luke in Hoth Gear with the Wampa Beast (not shown), Luke with light brown/blondish hair in his black Jedi outfit with the bone from the Rancor Monster scene (not shown), and Luke with Yoda in a backpack (not shown). 

Hasbro also made Luke as a Jedi with darker brown hair in a two pack set with Bib Fortuna, Luke wearing his Endor outfit sold with a Speeder Bike vehicle, Luke with Lightsaber slashing action (in his Tatooine outfit), a 2nd version of Luke in Hoth Gear sold with a Taun Taun, and a special edition of Luke to mark the "100th figure" of the Hasbro Star Wars 12 inch collection (also in his Tatooine outfit). As such there are at least 15 different Luke dolls in the collection.

Star Wars Masterpiece Edition Anakin Skywalker, 13.5 inch doll by Hasbro, 1998

Hasbro used their 13.5 inch Darth Vader doll body to make a special edition Anakin Skywalker doll, shown above next to the 12 inch Ben Kenobi doll for size comparison. This doll was sold at book stores with an exclusive book "Anakin Skywalker: The Story of Darth Vader" and came in a specially designed triangle box shaped package. This doll and book set originally retailed for around $80.00 Canadian in 1998, but has since come down in value quite considerably. I was fortunate to find this doll second hand with a complete outfit. A lightsaber was not included with the doll and book set. 

A second similar book set in a triangle shaped box featured C-3PO with removable limbs as the figure packed in with with the book. (not shown)

Electronic C-3PO and R2-D2, two pack set (not shown), with dessert damage look, released in early 1998.

Series 10 1998

This is the second series of smaller sized figures. This set includes a new version of R2-D2 which has compartments on the front that open so that the arms can be attached.
R2-D2 with detachable utility arms
Wicket the Ewok

Series 11 1998

This set was the first series of the "Episode 1" movie characters and was included in the "Action Collection". Dolls were packaged in boxes with a red design on a black background. (Packaging for the later series was changed to green designs on a black background.) The Hasbro logo is used on all packaging from this point onward. This series from 1998 is the first time any of the Episode 1 characters were marketed as 12 inch dolls.

Jar Jar Binks
Qui-Gon Jinn
Darth Maul 

Hasbro and Lucasfilm thought that Jar Jar was going to be a huge hit with kids so the character was marketed heavily, but as we all now know, he was not as big a hit as they hoped! In fact it was almost the opposite, with many fans hating the character. Jumbo sized plush Jarr Jarr Binks dolls, interactive toys, and other Jar Jar products, including this 12 inch doll, lingered on toy store shelves well after the movie was out of theatres. I eventually bought this one on clearance. Some other characters that were later released - such as Watto and various droids (robots) - had the same problem, but Darth Maul, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Ben Kenobi (McGregor) items sold quickly.

Here is the back view of the Jar Jar 12 inch doll. Even though I don't care much for this character, I find Hasbro did an excellent job on this doll. I like the detail of the costume and Jar Jar's ears. The painted detail of the face and arms is also well done.

Hasbro gave Qui-Gon rooted hair which I think really suits this character. They did an awesome job too, adding a ponytail on the back. 

 Hasbro also did a super job on Darth Maul's head. Click on the pictures to see a larger version.

Series 12 1998

The second series of "Episode 1" characters in the "Action Collection". These were some of the smaller characters so they were packaged in smaller boxes with a red design on a black background. Anakin was packaged kneeling which looked rather odd.

Anakin Skywalker (as a boy)
R2-A6 green R2 droid (not shown)
Pit Droids 2 pack set (not shown)

Here is Anakin Skywalker shown next to the 12 inch Jar jar Binks for size comparison. This Anakin doll uses a new doll body. A variation of this doll was later sold with racing gear, and was packaged in the larger 12 inch box.

Series 13 1998

This was the first "Power of the Force" set for the 12 inch dolls. Boxes have a green design on a black background with Darth Vader's face.

Luke Skywalker in Stormtrooper outfit with Dianoga tentacle (Trash Compactor Monster tentacle)
Ponda Baba Known as "Walrus Man" to fans in the 70s and 80s. He comes with a removable arm...ewww!
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness) (not shown) with glow in the Dark Lightsaber, this doll was sold without the brown robe
The boxes that I have for both dolls have an error on it. The sticker with the name of the character was attached to the back of the box above the photo of Luke and Han rather than on the front of the box. You can see the blank spaces on the front of the boxes, about 2 inches above the image of Darth Vader, where the name stickers are supposed to go. I have also seen a variation of the boxes for the three dolls in which the back of the box are designed differently along with text that says "Coming Summer 1999" next to the the Star Wars logo with "Episode 1" underneath it.

Here are the dolls out of the box. The cool thing about this Luke in Stormtrooper outfit is that he comes with a gun holster belt, which the original Stormtrooper does not have.

This is how Luke was originally packaged with the tentacle wrapped around him.

This Luke was made with a new head sculpt. He has the wet hair look that he had in the trash compactor scene from the movie. He also came with a communicator and a removable Stormtrooper helmet.

The helmet has five foam pieces glued inside of it to keep it in position on Luke's head.

Here is Ponda Baba with his arm attached, minding his own business. 
Moments later a pesky kid and an old man come along...

And his arm falls on the floor...yucka!

 Here's a closer look at the arm socket.

Here is the arm with the doll joint attachment at the end. The jacket sleeve attaches with Velcro. The gun is removable from the doll's hand but I've left the cellophane wrapped around it so that the gun doesn't get lost.


Series 14 1999
In 1999 Hasbro did a special series of Princess Leia dolls aimed at Barbie doll collectors. The box for the doll below says that there are three dolls in the series but I only know of two of them. The triangular shaped boxes were specially designed for this series with a flap on the cover.

Leia in Ceremonial outfit, special edition box, Barbie doll body type, shown above
Leia in Slave outfit with R2-D2(not shown) special edition box, Barbie doll type body, R2-D2 has serving tray accessory 
Leia in Slave outfit(not shown) single standard green and black rectangular window box, does not include R2-D2
Han Solo in Trench coat (not shown) green and black window box, I found this one to be a real disappointment. Hasbro was too lazy to make the coat with the camo spots on it, so the doll comes with a boring solid coloured tan coat! Why even bother to make a doll in that outfit if you're not going to get the most important part of it right?!!!) 
Chewbacca, (not shown) green and black window box, plastic sculpted fur, I find this one looks really bad!

Here is the box with the front flap opened.

A view of the back of the box showing a window to look at Princess Leia's hair.

This is the only Barbie type doll I have in my collection. Hasbro made other dolls of Princess Leia in the 12 inch series that have a different doll body with many joints for posing the figure, therefore making them more of a boys type of doll. This Ceremonial Leia doll is not very pose-able and was made as a girl's doll, however many male Star Wars collectors also bought this doll to include in their 12 inch Star Wars doll collections.

Here are the shoes that come with the Ceremonial Leia doll. They fall off very easily.

This doll also came with a doll stand, unlike any of the other dolls from the 12 inch series that were previously offered. I left the stand in the package, shown above.

Series 15 1999

Third series of "Episode 1" characters in the "Action Collection", made in 1999. Dolls were packaged in boxes with a red design on a black background.

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor)
Watto (not shown)
Battle Droid (not shown)

Here is Obi-Wan out of the box.

This doll has a ponytail made from rooted doll hair, as well as a long section of braided hair on the right side of the doll's head.

Series 16 1999

This is the 4rth series of "Episode 1" characters in the "Action Collection". Dolls were packaged in boxes with a red design on a black background.

Mace Windu (Samuel L. Jackson)
Qui-Gon Jinn with screaming face (not shown)
Battle Droid Commander (not shown)

This is an awesome doll of Mace Windu. Hasbro got this one perfect!


Series 17 2000

This may have been the first "Power of the Jedi" set for the 12 inch dolls. Boxes have green designs on a black background with an illustration of Young Ben Kenobi on the front, made in 2000. At last we got more Bounty Hunters!!!

This Hasbro IG88 figure is not a re-issue of the 1980 Kenner large size figure, it's a completely different sculpt as shown on the Kenner Star Wars Dolls page. I still don't have the 4-LOM figure which was released in 2000 at the same time as IG88 and Bossk.

4-LOM (not shown)

Hasbro made fans wait quite awhile for Bossk to join the collection. Thankfully Hasbro did an awesome job on this doll and included many details in the costume and sculpting. The only drawback to this doll is that his outfit is not removable. The ends of the sleeves are attached to the arm. I also find the feet could have been a tad bigger and the legs a touch taller. In any case, this is an awesome 12-inch doll and I'm really glad to have him in my collection! 

I was happy to learn in March 2023 that Bossk is now worth over $100 in the original box! Back in 2000 I stepped up and payed $55 for him new from the store, which was quite pricey for a mass produced 12 inch doll in those days. I remember feeling like I had been ripped off, having allowed my enthusiasm to get the better of me for paying such an amount. So my buyers remorse has now been completely vindicated! Of course, I opened the box and took him out, so he's not worth top dollar, but I've taken good care of him and he's still pretty Minty so I think he's still worth more than what I had originally paid.

Oddly enough, Bossk was the last doll I bought for this collection new from the store. Since then any additions I've made to this collection have been bought second hand at nostalgia shows. I found this series to be quite challenging to collect, and frustrating. There were many special sets that were only available in the United States which, at the time, I had no hope of getting. Also, many individually packaged dolls were repackaged with other dolls or creatures: therefore I was never certain if I should by the individual dolls, as I didn't want to end up buying doubles. 

Looking back on the collection now it's easy to put things in order, but at the time there was no way to know what was available when, so it was really hit and miss... and all to often I found that I was missing out on really awesome Star Wars dolls which was discouraging, so at the time I had stopped collecting. However, thanks to eBay I can now find specific characters, so I've added quite a few more of these Star Wars dolls to my collection since then.


Series ? 2001

Luke and Yoda, two pack set (not shown), with backpack for Yoda, black and green window box

Series ? 2001

This set was sold in light blue window boxes which were introduced this same year
Death Star Trooper, black outfit (not shown)
Death Star Droid (not shown)
Han Solo in Stormtrooper outfit (not shown) this is the second version of Han Solo in Stormtrooper outfit and has a different head sculpt, the first one was made in 1996 and came in  a two pack with Luke in Stormtrooper outfit


Series ? 2002

The last two Bounty Hunters from the famous scene in Empire Strikes Back were finally released. These five dolls were each sold in light blue boxes. 

Zuckuss (not shown)
Imperial Officer in a grey uniform (not shown)
Jango Fett (not shown)
Plo Koon (not shown) Jedi Knight from Attack of the Clones, released as part of this series but was not pictured on the back of boxes. The above four characters were shown on the back of his box.

I'm quite happy to have found a Dengar figure for my collection. I got him second hand without the box. If I'm not mistakes, he has 4-LOM's gun instead of the one he was originally sold with. Both the Dengar and 4-LOM figures have the same gun but Dengar's is grey plastic with a light brown painted handle. Like Boba Fett, Dengar's back pack is removable. 

I think Hasbro did an awesome job on Dengar! He's a cool doll! What an amazing 12 inch doll collection that we even get a doll of such an obscure character like Dengar!!! LOL

Bounty Hunters, L to R: Dengar, IG88, Boba Fett and BosskI still need to find Zuckuss and 4-LOM for my collection.

Series ? 2002

Sold in light blue window boxes
Anakin Skywalker, (not shown) original head sculpt, does not have slashing action
Mace Windu (not shown) new head sculpt with smiling mouth, does not come with brown robe
Obi-Wan Kenobi (not shown) new head sculpt with beard, does not come with brown robe
Clone Trooper (not shown)
Darth Vader (not shown) this is an action figure with a sculpted costume rather than a doll with fabric clothes and pieces of armor

Series ? 2002

Sold in light blue window boxes
Anakin Skywalker, different head sculpt with open mouth, with slashing action and robotic arm
Padme Amidala white slim fitting suit, yellow belt and black blaster
Geonosian Warrior bug creature


In 2003 the dolls were still being sold in light blue window boxes rather than black boxes. I never really cared much for the look of these boxes as they didn't have much of a Star Wars feel or look to them. Quite frankly, by this point in the collection Hasbro was just phoning it in by redoing characters that had already been made before simply to keep the gravy train rolling. In doing so they settled for bad head sculpts in some cases (Han Solo got the worst of them!), and didn't try as hard to make interesting costumes. They even made a new  Chewbacca with sculpted fur that just looks awful, especially when compared to the original 1970's Kenner large sized figure! The series had clearly run out of steam and was in obvious decline. It was easy to see that the end was definitely near, but what an amazing run!

Series ? 2003
These three dolls (technically four with the Ewokes) were released as a series in 2003, I don't yet know what series number this would have been?

Luke Skywalker in Jedi outfit, (not shown) yet another version of this doll, it has a different head sculpt from the previous Jedi Luke doll. I find this head sculpt was poorly done.
Ewokes two pack, Chief Chirpa and Logray. (not shown) These are action figures with sculpted fur rather than dolls. They actually look pretty cool.
Scout Trooper, (not shown) this is yet another redo of a doll that had already been made

Other 12 inch Hasbro Star Wars dolls from this collection

Here are some of the other dolls in this series that I know of which are not shown above. These were made between 1996 and 2006. This list is far from complete!

Original Star Wars Movies
At-ST Driver, blue box
Biker Scout with Speeder Bike
Chewbacca in Chains
Chewbacca, plastic sculpted fur, (not as bad as the above, but still a bit off) "Revenge of the Sith" box
Death Star Droid (silver C-3PO type droid from original movie)
Death Star Trooper (guy in a black uniform)
Electronic Darth Vader and Ben Kenobi, 2 pack set
Electronic Boba Fett
Emperor individual "Revenge of the Sith" box, I believe this one has a different head sculpt from the 1998 Emperor doll
Garindan (spy with long snout from original Star Wars film ), in blue box, 2003
Geamorian Guard (Pig Guard)
Han Solo, A New Hope, lever to control arm, blue box (this is the worst head sculpt ever!)
Han Solo as Stormtrooper - single green box
Jawas, A New Hope, 2-pack set, blue box (these have sculpted outfits, rather than fabric)
Lando Calrissian, Skiff Guard outfit, blue box
Leia in Boushh disguise with Carbonite block
Leia in Slave outfit with R2-D2, 2 pack set
Leia with Chain (in Slave outfit), individual green box
Leia with Speeder Bike, blue box
Luke with Speeder Bike
Luke, Special Edition 100th 12 inch Star Wars figure in large box with various costumes and accessories
Luke in Tatooine outfit, no poncho, single box, different head sculpt from series 1 Luke
Obi-Wan Kenobi, (Alec Guinness) "A New Hope", in blue box
Stormtrooper, Action Figure Kit (doll body with pieces of armor to assemble), green box

1990s Trilogy

Amidala in red outfit, special edition box, Barbie doll body type
Amidala (fashion doll with various outfits)
Amidala, white outfit, blue box
Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen)
Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen), Attack of the Clones, blue box
Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen), "Ultimate Villain" special set in large box "Revenge of the Sith", comes with pieces for Darth Vader costume
Barriss Offee (Female Jedi)
Boss Nass
C-3PO from Episode 1 before he was completed (without his gold armor)
Chancellor Valorum and Coruscant Guard, 2 pack set
Clone Trooper (various colour variations)
Count Dooku, blue box
Darth Maul with Sith Speeder (this Darth Maul doll is different from the others that were issued)
Electronic Qui-Gon Jinn
Electronic Talking Darth Maul
Electronic Talking Jar Jar Binks (This was a very popular toy... Not!)
Electronic TC14 - silver C-3PO droid from Episode 1
General Grevious
Geonsian Warrior
Captain Tarpals with Kaadu (Gungan warrior with mount)
Jango Fett (large box with many costume pieces)
Ki-Adi-Mundi (Male Jedi), blue box
Mace Windu without brown robe, blue box
Obi-Wan Kenobi, beige outfit, longer sculpted hair, blue box
Pit Droids, 2-pack
Qui-Gon and Queen Amadala (burgundy dress) "Defence of Naboo", 2 pack set
R2-A6 (green R2 droid), small red box
Shaak Ti -Revenge of the Sith (female character that I've never heard of ???)
Sith Lords 2 pack set, Darth Vader with removable helmet and Darth Maul "cut in half"
Super Battle Droid (Attack of the Clones)
Zam Wesell - female character in purple outfit, blue box (never heard of this character before????)
Trilogy Collection, 2004 (black boxes)
Boba Fett
Luke Skywalker, Tatooine outfit

Star Wars Boots!
One of the funny things about this Star Wars doll collection is that many of the characters have the same boots, both the good-guys and the bad-guys. So it seems that there was only one boot shop in the entire galaxy! Of course, many of the characters also have unique boots that were sculpted just for that doll, none the less I thought it would be funny to make a list of all the characters from my collection with the same boots, so I did!

Black boots, white boots and Tan boots all made with the same mold!

As far as I can tell so far, Admiral Ackbar is the only character to have these boots made in white plastic (no marking on the bottom), while Greedo is the only one to have them in Tan (marked with the copyright "1997 Lucasfilm" on the bottom of both boots). Everyone else has the same black boots, some are marked on the bottom of both boots and some are not marked. (BTW, I would not recommend pushing up Greedo's pantleg like this! It was quite a challenge to get the pants back over the top of the boot again so that I could pull the pantleg back down!)

These characters all have the same black boots:
Ben Kenobi, series 1, not marked
Emperor Palpatine, marked 1998
Grand Moff Tarkin, not marked
Han Solo, series 1, not marked
Han Solo, Bespin outfit, from the three pack set, marked 1998
Han Solo, Bespin outfit without jacket, came with Carbonite block, marked 1998
Lando Calrissian, not marked
Luke, X-Wing fighter outfit, not marked
Luke, Ceremonial outfit (yellow jacket), marked 1997
Ponda Baba, marked 1998

These are just the ones that I have in my collection. I'm sure there are many, many more!!!


Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Remote Control R2-D2, made by Hasbro, 2008 

Here is Hasbro's remote control R2-D2 next to a 12 inch Luke for size comparison. Although this R2-D2 toy is not officially part of the 12 inch doll series, it's the same size as the R2-D2 figure that was made in 1997 for the 12 inch collection, which is likely no coincidence. The legs on this R2 are not movable but when he is roaming about his head turns and the lights blink. He also makes R2-D2 beeping sounds.

This toy is part of the marketing for Clone Wars, as shown on the box. The back of the box is shown below. There are only two buttons on the controller, one that makes R2 go forwards or backwards, and one that makes him talk. There is also an on/off switch on the back of R2. You can't steer him left or right, he just goes where he wants to. Below you can see the wheels on the bottom of the toy. Playing with this R2-D2 is a great way to waste an entire afternoon!

Here is a comparison of three R2-D2 large size figures. The first one is the original Kenner figure made in 1978, the middle one was made by Hasbro in 1997, and the last one is Hasbro's Remote Control R2-D2 from 2008. Below is the bottom showing the wheels of each figure.



Here is Rolo from a three pack droid set released after the Force Awakens film in 2015. The set included C-3PO with a red arm, Rolo, and BB8. These are all technically action figures rather than dolls, as they were made for the 12 inch action figure series which is a separate collection from the 12 inch doll series. In fact Rolo is slightly larger than the R2-D2 from the doll series. I'm still glad to have this figure though, I found Rolo second hand.

Giant Size Yoda, by Jakks Pacific, 2015

Here is a very cool Star Wars toy! A giant Yoda action figure surprisingly not made by Hasbro, but instead by Jakks Pacific. I've shown it next to Hasbro's 12 inch Luke doll for size comparison. Yoda is actually an action figure rather than a doll, but he comes with a cloth robe so I thought I'd include him here. I like that they gave this giant Yoda a fabric robe, unfortunately though the robe is made with a rather cheep, flimsy material that had been very crudely finished along the hem which, for me, diminishes the over all quality of the figure. The sculpting is exceptionally well done, as is the painting, and the figure itself is quite solid so the toy seems to be well made. As such the cheep fabric robe really is quite a draw back. If only they had used a nicer material! None the less, this is still an awesome toy!

Giant sized action figures have become quite a trend since 2006 when Mattel released a 3 foot tall Superman figure as part of the action figure line for Superman Returns. Since then I've seen Star Wars, Ninja Turtles, Wrestling and Power Rangers characters being offered in the 3 foot size. This Yoda is 18 inches tall, which is in scale with the 3 foot tall Star Wars figures. The others in this set include Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, and R2-D2. I've also seen Han Solo, though he's not pictured on this box, so I'm not certain what company made the figure. Below is the back of the box with the other characters listed. I'd collect all of these in a heartbeat if only I had space for them! The giant Darth Vader is especially awesome!

In addition to showing the other available characters, the back of the box says that this giant Yoda figure has 7 points of articulation, but in fact it has nine: the neck (1), both arms move back and forth at the shoulder (2,3), both hands turn at the wrist (4,5), both legs move at the hip (6,7) and both feet turn at the ankle (8,9). There are no ball joints on this figure though, just basic joints that move back and forth or turn to the side, so the posing options are limited.

This is giant Yoda out of the package. He comes with a lightsaber which is awesome, but it's much smaller than the one the giant Darth Vader comes with which seems odd when placed side by side. ...Poor Yoda, his lightsaber is tiny! Hee hee! :) Still, this is a very cool Yoda figure! It's the sort of toy we could only dream about back in the 1980's! Kid's back then had to be content with the rubber Yoda puppet, by Kenner, as their large-size figure! How times have changed!!!

Star Wars Plush Toys

R2-D2 and C-3PO plush toys.

These plush toys look as though they were made to go together, however I matched them up from two different Star Wars plush toy series. R2-D2 was made by Imports Dragon around 2019-2020 , C-3PO was made by Mattel in 2021. The assortment of characters that are made for Star Wars plush toys is usually limited to the four or five characters which happen to be the most popular at the time, as such (to my knowledge) Imports Dragon didn't make a C-3PO plush toy to go with their R2-D2 plush toy. Therefore, when I saw the Mattel plush C-3PO I had to have it to complete the set. As it turns out, Mattel didn't make an R2-D2 plush to go with their C-3PO, so in the end it worked out well! Both companies did an awesome job on these plush toys, I especially like how Mattel shaped C-3PO's head above the eyes, and the detail they included with the embroidery. An extremely well made set of plush toys!

Text & Photos © Mike Artelle 2010, 2013, 2023


  1. It's really too bad that Kenner didn't use a better material that would last long through the years for the 1998 Electronic Darth Vader.

    It is a very well done piece in the "Reboot" line of the mid to late 1990's and is unfortunate that even MISB versions are affected by this defect.

  2. I'm having a similar problem with the fabric on the snowtrooper's mask. It's all gooey!! It was in its original box and the plastic front was making contact with the fabric. Now there Is a piece of the rubbery coat of the mask missing...
